Ovary Midwifery Journal 2023-09-01T03:53:22+00:00 Sri Sukarsi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Ovary Midwifery Journal</strong>&nbsp;publishes the latest peer reviewed international research to inform the safety, quality, outcomes and experiences of <strong>pregnancy, birth and maternity care</strong> for childbearing women, their babies and families. The journals publications support <strong>midwives</strong> and <strong>maternity care</strong> providers to explore and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes informed by best available <strong>evidence</strong>. <br><br><strong>Ovary Midwifery Journal</strong>&nbsp;provides an <strong>international, interdisciplinary</strong> forum for the publication, dissemination and discussion of advances in evidence, controversies and current research, and promotes continuing education through publication of systematic and other scholarly reviews and updates. <strong>Ovary Midwifery Journal</strong> articles cover the cultural, clinical, psycho-social, sociological, epidemiological, education, managerial, workforce, organizational and technological areas of practice in preconception, maternal and infant care, maternity services and other health systems. Published Every February and August by AIFA HUSADA MADURA<br><br>The journal welcomes the highest quality scholarly research that employs rigorous methodology.<em>&nbsp;</em><strong>Ovary Midwifery Journal</strong> is a leading&nbsp; journal in midwifery and maternal health and employs a double-blind peer review process.</p> Optimalisasi Pijat Bayi dalam Mengatasi Gangguan Tidur pada Bayi Usia 1 Bulan 2023-09-01T03:49:15+00:00 Dessy Hidayati Fajrin Cici Wahyuni <p><em>The World Health Organization (WHO) states that 33% of infants face sleep problems. In Indonesia, there are quite a lot of infants who experience sleep problems, which is around 55.2% of infants experience sleep disorders such as frequent waking at night so that sleep needs are not fulfilled. However, more than 72% of parents consider sleep disorders in infants not a problem or only a minor problem. Disruption of infant sleep patterns can be influenced by several factors such as diseases that cause infant discomfort, namely pain, emotional stress such as anxiety, noisy environments, fatigue caused by play, food and calorie intake. Scientifically, massage stimulates hormones in the body, a substance that regulates functions such as appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature regulation, mood, behavior, blood vessel function, muscle contraction, endocrine system regulation (regulation of metabolism, growth, and puberty) and depression.</em> <em>Infant massage can also increase the baby's weight, help babies who cannot sleep well, lack of appetite, and lack of concentration. This study uses qualitative research methods in the form of case studies by conducting a Varney management midwifery care approach. The research subject used one respondent with midwifery diagnosis Baby A aged 1 month with insufficient sleep.</em><em> The study was conducted for 7 days by providing complementary infant massage care. The results of this study indicate that the number of hours baby A sleeps before being given a baby massage for 7 days is 12 hours / day, after being given a 20-minute baby massage for 7 days to 16 hours. It can be concluded that Holistic Physiological Midwifery Care for Infants and Toddlers by applying Evidence Based Midwifery Infant Massage can overcome sleep disorders in infants so that the baby's sleep needs are fulfilled.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2023-08-31T05:07:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ovary Midwifery Journal Studi Kasus Susah Tidur Pada Kehamilan Trimester III dengan Terapi Senam Hamil Case Study of Struggling to Sleep in Trimester III Pregnancy with Pregnant Gymnastics Therapy 2023-09-01T03:50:17+00:00 Dessy Hidayati Fajrin Lidia <p><em>Some of the inconveniences experienced by pregnant women include nausea and vomiting, easy fatigue, frequent urination, or difficulty resting and others. One of the conditions experienced by pregnant women in the third trimester is insomnia. What causes sleep disturbances in pregnant women are physical and emotional changes during pregnancy. Physical changes that occur such as nausea and vomiting in the morning, increased frequency of urination, uterine enlargement, back pain and fetal movement. Emotional changes include anxiety, fear and depression. According to the National Sleep Foundation Survey (2018), 97.3% of third trimester pregnant women always wake up at night. An average of 3-11 times every night, and 78% of pregnant women in America experience sleep disorders. The role of midwives in helping mothers reduce complaints of difficulty sleeping is by suggesting exercise. The most suitable type of exercise for pregnant women is pregnant gymnastics. The research conducted used descriptive qualitative with a case study approach, and field observations. Midwifery care assessment in clients with pregnancy is carried out basic data collection, namely subjective data and objective data. After the intervention of doing pregnant gymnastics, the patient's subjective data includes: Mrs.H age 32 years G3P2A0M0 pregnant 35 weeks, can already sleep 7-8 hours a day comfortably. Based on the results of the examination, objective data obtained the patient's general condition is good, composmentis consciousness, vital signs: blood pressure 97/79 mmHg, pulse 82 times/minute, breathing 22 times/minute, temperature 36.7°C. No abnormalities were found on physical examination or on supporting examinations, complaints of difficulty in sleeping have been resolved.</em></p> 2023-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ovary Midwifery Journal HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN DENGAN KEPATUHAN KUNJUNGAN ANTENATAL CARE PADA IBU HAMIL TRIMESTER III 2023-09-01T03:51:34+00:00 Riska Winarni Gumiarti Eni Subiastutik <p><em>Antenatal Care is a program carried out by health workers to provide health services for pregnant women with the aim of monitoring and detecting early health problems for the mother and fetus. Some third trimester pregnant women have a low level of knowledge so that the achievement of K4 coverage of third trimester pregnant women with at least 3 visits for antenatal care examinations in the Jenggawah health center area still reaches the target of 74.7% of the target of 100%. The research design uses cross sectional. The population was 41 third trimester pregnant women with 37 samples. Cluster random sampling was taken. Measuring tool is questionnaire and test analysis Chi Square. The results showed that 6</em> <em>(16.2%) had good knowledge, 11</em> <em>(29.7%) sufficient knowledge, 20</em> <em>(54.1%) insufficient knowledge. Compliance with antenatal care visits 24 (64.9%) adherents and 13 (35.1%) non-compliant. The results of the analysis test showed that the p-value was 0.006 &lt;α 0.05, which means that there is a relationship between the level of knowledge and adherence to antenatal care visits, namely good knowledge and being able to increase adherence to antenatal care visits. The role of health workers, especially midwives, is more active and communicative in encouraging pregnant women to take antenatal care so that they can increase compliance with antenatal care visits.</em></p> 2023-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ovary Midwifery Journal Asuhan Kebidanan Komprehensif pada Ny. R, 28 Th, G2P1A0 dengan Keputihan Fisiologis di Puskesmas Bandaran Kecamatan Tlanakan Kabupaten Pamekasan Tahun 2022 2023-09-01T03:52:25+00:00 Lianita Primi Octaviana Raudlatul Jannah <p><em>Pregnancy is a normal thing to happen to a woman, which at this time involves physical and emotional changes. During pregnancy </em><em>there</em><em> are hormonal changes that occur in the mother, resulting in an inconvenience in the mother, for example vaginal discharge. Basically, vaginal discharge that occurs in pregnant women is a physiological thing if there is no change in color, smell and itching.. Fluor albus or commonly called vaginal discharge is a large amount of vaginal secretion with a thick or liquid contingency starting from the first trimester, but will increase more in the second trimester and III trimester, as a form of vaginal mucosal hyperplation. Although this is a physiological thing, it still makes people, especially pregnant women, feel worried. The purpose of this study was to conduct Comprehensive Obstetric Care in Mrs.R, 28 Years, G2P1A0 with Physiological </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Whiteness</em><em> at the Puskesmas Bandaran, Tlanakan District, Pamekasan Regency. This study was conducted from January to April 2022 with a descriptive method, namely by following the patient's progress using countinue of care from pregnancy to birth control. From the results of the examination given to Mrs. "R" 28 Years G2P1A0 it was found that the mother experienced complaints of vaginal discharge which is a physiological thing due to hormonal changes and blood flow in the uterine and vaginal areas, which resulted in an increase in the process of vaginal secretion and these hormonal changes can also change the balance of vaginal acidity, causing the appearance of yeast and usually not accompanied by itching and discoloration, the mother has been given HE to lock properly from front to back, dried with tissue or towel, avoid using tight underwear, immediately change underwear if it feels damp so that the complaint is resolved.</em></p> 2024-04-30T15:37:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ovary Midwifery Journal Studi Kasus: Penggunaan Media Chatting Group dalam Pendampingan Masa Nifas Di TPMB Titin Widianingsih Pontianak 2023-09-01T03:53:22+00:00 Dessy Hidayati Fajrin Wella Sutrisnawati <p><em>The postpartum period is also known by another term puerperium which comes from the Latin word "puer" which means baby and "parous" which means giving birth. One of the important care objectives in the postpartum period is to provide postpartum health education. Postpartum education is given, among others, about postpartum care and breastfeeding, nutritional needs, birth spacing planning, breastfeeding process, immunizing the baby, healthy baby care and providing family planning services according to the mother's choice. However, there are still many postpartum mothers who do not get clear and accurate information related to postpartum midwifery care, so that in bridging the achievement of optimization in increasing knowledge about the postpartum period, it is very necessary to have a special application media for postpartum education to support the knowledge of postpartum women and the families who accompany them during the postpartum period. The research conducted used descriptive qualitative with a case study approach, and field observation. Midwifery care assessment in postpartum mothers is carried out basic data collection, namely subjective data and objective data. Subjective patient data includes: Mrs. R is PII A0, 23 years old, 3 days postpartum. Mrs. R said her breast milk had started to come out, felt helped by the Chatting Group so that she got information related to her health. Based on the results of the examination, objective data obtained Mrs. R's general condition is good, composmentis consciousness. Blood pressure 100/80 mmHg, pulse 74 x/min, regular. Breathing 22x/minute, regular. Temperature 36.3℃. On breast examination there is hyperpigmentation, no lumps, prominent nipples, no abscesses and swelling, there is milk release and the condition of the breasts is clean. TFU 2 fingers below the center, contractions are good, the vulva has no varicose veins, the perineal wound is clean and begins to dry out and release lokea rubra, PIIA0 Physiological Postpartum. With the Media Chatting Group, Mrs. R can undergo the postpartum period well without any obstacles.</em></p> 2023-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ovary Midwifery Journal